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General housekeping

Most building are put into one of two groups. There are the Storage buildings which are used to store large amounts of people and resources. There are also general purpose buildings that are used for things like production, farming and small forts and special houses. A good example of a typical Storage building is the Headquarters.

The Warehouse building works in th same way as the Headquarters and can store 40 of each resource and 40 of each unit. You can setup a desired level of each element or person. The Peasants will always use this desired level to decide which storage building requires which resources. In the picture above we see that the Water has been selected and it has been given a desired level of 15. We can also see that we have 31 units of water in stock so if there are other storage buildings close by with less than their desired levels of water, the peasants will distribute the extra water.

The other buildings work in a different way. They have a very much more restricted design with three types of contents.

1. Food Group.
2. Inout Group.
3. Output Group.

Food Group.
The small area on the left is the food group. There will be three types of food and one element of each can be stored here. If a particular food type is available it will be lit up. If that type of food is not available it will be shown as a dark icon. In th following two pictures you can see a building with full food and a building with only two items of food.

Input Group.
The Input group is the materials and workers group. These are the people who work/live in the building and also the place where raw materials are kept. The Refinery would have Coal and Ore as its materials along with a number of peasant workers and also a Guard.

Output Group.
The lower section is the output group. This is where the resources are created ready to be taken out to a place of need. In the following picture you can see the Barracks building with the three potential output items which are Wizards, Scientists and Guards. There is also a picture of the Laboratory where you will see only one Output element which is the Idea.

The input group can be changed to fit your needs so if you are running short on peasants you can lower the number of Peasant workers in certain buildings. This can be seen in the Foresters Hut in the above food example. If you want to create a slow supply of Bread then you could give the Bakery just one Wheat at a time.

Variable Output.

The output group is not always restricted to resources. The Barracks has an output group that contains Wizards, Scientists and Guards. These Units are created by training the Peasants found in the input group. If you find you need to train 4 Scientists then you can set the level of scientists to 4 and that is how many you will get. You can set the level to "Full" and the Barracks will train your Scientists until you turn it off. In the above Barracks picture we can see the output of Guards has been set to 5. In he following picture you can see the Oil output has been turned off. This is usefull if you have many mines and only a small requirement for Oil. This allows the mine to produce more of the other resources.

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Foundation is ©1997/1998 Sadeness Software and Paul Burkey. All rights reserved.
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Foundation Support - Paul Burkey

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